Sugar Hackberry (Celtis Laevigata) Height: Mature plants grow up to 24-30 inches tall in the best conditions.
Leaf: Leaves on a mature plant can grow up to 4 inches, and are ovate in shape. Plant Distribution:
Common Uses: The wood from the bush can be mixed with sugarberry wood in order to make a useful lumber utilized in making furniture. It is also ofter used as a street plant and an ornamental.
Pollinators: About 10 species of bird pollinate this plant by eating the dried fruit it produces. Gaming and non-gaming animals also eat the fruit in more wild settings.
Fruit info:The fruit ripens in September and October, and often remains on the trees until midwinter. Sugar hackberry fruits are spherical drupes 6 to 13 mm (0.25 to 0.5 in) in diameter with a thin pulp enclosing a single bony nutlet. Late spring frosts sometimes kill the flowers and reduce the seed crop.