
Rhododendron ferrugineum
Plant distribution

The tree can get up to 5m tall.
Leaf and bark type:
The bark is smooth, while the leaves are alternately arranged with long shape and green in color. The underside of the leaf are covered with rust-brown spots, which gives it its scientific name.
Where does it grow and in what conditions?
It is native to Europe, but also grows in North America and especially in the southeastern states. It does well in acidic soils.
The tree can reproduce sexually by selfing and out crossed seeds or vegetatively through layering, which usually occurs downslope at 50 to 60 years.
The tree produces very showy flowers in pink, red, and yellow. The flowers dominate the tree when in bloom and also produce many seeds.
The flowers, leaves, and galls can be used to treat arthritis and rheumatism. It can also treat many compliants related to flatulence, but can cause diarrohea or vomiting, so should me used with medical supervision.
GPS location
Submitted by Clifton and Yarbrough