Height: Some varieties can reach up to 40-50m high.
Leaf and bark type: The needles are in pairs of short shoots. The needles are usually 1 to 3 cm long in fascicles of two. The needles are twisted. The bark of the lodgepole pine is very thin, making it susceptible to fire.
Where does it grow and in what conditions? The pine usually grows on the West coast, usually going from California up to Washington state. It is commonly found in forests. They can do well in dry soils, but are destroyed by fires. Fire is what keeps the population of the pines controlled.
Pollinators & Seed Dispersal: The tree is wind pollinated, and produces a lot of pollen at one time. The male cones soon dry up and drop off the tree once the pollen is released.
Fruit: The cones sometimes need a high temperature (like a fire) to open and release their seeds.
Uses: The tree has been used for lumber in parts of Europe. Native Americans used the wood for tipi shelter. The trees may be cut in National Forests if it is for the use of tipis and for a traditional practice only. Native Americans also used various parts of the tree for medicinal purposes, such as for various ailments. They are also used for bonsai trees.